LJ fishing 2/3/08
My morning consisted of sticking to the iron spots knows as "Pat's". No current, super clear skies, no wind and such minimal swell on the paddle out it was like walking on a sidewalk. Threw the yo-yo for one good bump that was on for less than ten seconds and didn't feel quite right. Had a popsicle down for almost no action outside of the "nibbling" of rockfish and a turd roller. No luck for me today, hopefully some others fared better! Matt |
Re: LJ fishing 2/3/08
I am confused about Pat's spots or spot. Is it one place or all the lobster bouys or just one or some of them?
Hope to be out there tomorrow. |
Re: LJ fishing 2/3/08
I kind of think of it as a general vicinity, but 120' just past the point, lots of lobster floats abound! It is one of those places you hope you hook a biggun at and fear hooking one at if they head for the ropes!! Good luck if you go out Will!