A Tale of Two Days
The fish finder quit on the way out the channel so there was no way to find the deeper water structure. Started throwing the Uni Butter covered Fluke and Bugzz into the Boilers. The fishing was slow and the weather was smoking hot I have never sweated so hard on the water before. Ended up with a total of 5 Calicos and 1 Sand Bass (the last 4 trips had produced 1 Calico). All the calicos came of different boilers along the way back to the harbor with the sand bass coming off a large group of kelp on he trip back. Never saw another kayak the hole day on the Ocean……………. Friday I fished with Andy. We hit Cabrillo at grey light and launched into 1 to 2 foot surf. Stopped at the first kelp on the way out for 2 quick calicos on the Uni Buttered Fluke then stopped at the reef near the point for a chunky sand bass on the Uni Buttered Bugzz. Having checked out the FF Thursday night and finding the power cord was bad to the Matrix 17 I got the one out of the 343 C I won at the Moyer and used it on Friday WHAT A DIFFERANCE COLOR MAKES. We paddled North way outside the kelp line looking for bottom structure, finding none by the time we reached The Royal Palms area with no luck I headed back along the outside of the kelp picking a calico hear and there. The total for the day was 5 Calico and 2 Sand Bass. We had noticed a fog bank offshore in the distance around 10 and by the time we landed at 11:30 the fog followed us onto shore. For me two great days on the water fully recovered……………….