Mbf 12/5/09
{Money between friends}
Shelter Island 12/5/09 0700-1200 single largest bass/sand bass,calico or spotted. $10 entry winner take all Pot luck style BBQ afterwards Rules:Must abide by all DFG rules.No fish under 12". Artificial baits only.Scents are ok( Unibutter,hot sauce,etc)no cut or live bait. Boundaries are all bay access.Except 100' from bait barge and no going out past Zuniga.Other than that you can go all the way to South bay as long as your in line to weigh at noon... There are no weigh boats..Must keep fish alive until wiegh in on the beach at 1200 not after. This is about fun and food after so bring a side dish and lets have a fun friendly competition. Please post up if you are comig and what you will bring... Kevin Harvey |