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Try-n 2Fish 04-26-2011 09:44 AM

OEX Tournament mission bay
I am the kid who everyone has been talking about who got off of his kayak in the last OEX Tournament held at mission bay. I would first like to say that I did not know this was against tournament rules. The same goes for when My brother towed my a few hundred yards on my way back to the wiegh in. Had I carefully read the rules I would have had a clue, and I would like to take full responsibility for this and apologize to all the kayakers who fished that tournament. Should I decide to fish another kayak tournament I will read every rule and regulation to ensure I do not break any rules again.

Secondly I did do something that I have never done before. I accepted a small calico bass from my dad and put it in my live well. This I did know would be cheating. I honestly have no excuse for this because I was aware what I was doing was wrong, and unfair to every single kayaker of the tournament. I am not a cheater in fishing or life, and that’s just not the kind of person I am. But when I do stupid things like this I don't expect anyone to believe that. The worst part of it in my opinion is for my sponsors who have let me on their team and been kind enough to let me sample gear, cloths, and have been incredibly generous to me in every way. And Then I do this at my first tournament and outing. I keep hearing things will be alright and work out, but at the same time I know that alot of people are very upset and that I did this and that I know I will lose more opportunities further up the road. I have learned a lesson far greater than I wanted to, and will make no stupid mistakes in any future tournaments I may fish.

To everyone who fished the OEX tournament that day and to the owner of OEX I would sincerely like to apologize for my actions, and that I mean this when I say it will never happen again. To Uni Butter and tenacious baits: I'm sorry for letting you guys down so soon into meeting you, and hope that I can get one more chance from you both.

landwhale 04-26-2011 10:31 AM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay
Thank you for stepping up and I accept your explanation and your apology. We all make mistakes in life some of those are the times we learn hard lessons I myself hope you will join us again.

I would like to be able to put a name to the face so the next time we meet we can shake hands and put all behind and move on

Steven Green

KirkG. 04-26-2011 11:54 AM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay
Thanks for the explanation and for stepping up. I echo what Landwhale said in that sometimes the mistakes we make are the best lessions we learn.

Hope to see you at other events.


Oside 04-26-2011 07:22 PM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay
Thanks for an honest explanation. That takes some big rocks to step up and tell everyone what really happened. If you have any questions about the rules that arent stated, just ask. Andy and Steve are great about responding as are other members.
Hope to see you in Newport!

Pescalocos 04-26-2011 10:46 PM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay
Like A famous author once said,"when people show you who they are believe them the first time". I was sad to learn that this young man not only cheated but his father and brother helped him to do so. I hope OEX and SWBA will not allow this man to fish in any of their tournaments this year. There is no excuse for this non sportsman like conduct and I will be outraged if any of the Organizers allow this man to fish in any tournaments given how far he went to cheat in his first kayak competition. In addition, how could a company continue to sponsor someone who clearly is not ethical. What does that say about the company? It's a very disappointing day for those of us who really enjoy the sport and believe in true sportsmanship.

Margarita Mike 04-27-2011 07:42 AM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay
Could this be moved to the 2011 so more people can see this?

Boys make excuses, Men make changes, come on Dad this is not something to teach your young son. Hes a good kid, don't move him in the wrong direction.

plasticman 04-27-2011 09:32 PM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay

Originally Posted by Margarita Mike (Post 6726)
Could this be moved to the 2011 so more people can see this?

x2 ----

Try-n 2Fish 04-28-2011 08:12 AM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay
My dad is who got me into fishing, and has guided me all this way. He lets me fish every day during summer and 2-4 times a week during school week. He is very accomodating, and supportive of me. He is not pointing me in the wrong direction or I would be a spoiled rotten kid with little respect for people around me which I feel I am not that kind of person at all.

I Took the fish and and was foolish enough to wiegh it in. That was my biggest regret, is I know better

bluefin2na 04-28-2011 09:13 AM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay

Originally Posted by Pescalocos (Post 6723)
Like A famous author once said,"when people show you who they are believe them the first time". I was sad to learn that this young man not only cheated but his father and brother helped him to do so. I hope OEX and SWBA will not allow this man to fish in any of their tournaments this year. There is no excuse for this non sportsman like conduct and I will be outraged if any of the Organizers allow this man to fish in any tournaments given how far he went to cheat in his first kayak competition. In addition, how could a company continue to sponsor someone who clearly is not ethical. What does that say about the company? It's a very disappointing day for those of us who really enjoy the sport and believe in true sportsmanship.

::: In addition, how could a company continue to sponsor someone who clearly is not ethical. What does that say about the company? :::

As the owner of UNIGOOP bait company, I can say the young man made a mistake, however for me to ban him from sponsorship would not do any good. I told the young man what to do, and he is doing it. He steped up, and as far as him not being ethical, thats a matter of opinon.
Kind of like watching some fishermen, drinking and getting drunk at events, or worst. Yet we never hear about that now do we?

The kid made a big mistake, no question about that. But banning a young man for a mistake that he learned from , IMO is not going to do any good.

As for your question about "What does that say about the company"?
Let me tell you, that UNIGOOP bait company has helped out more young kids then anyother scent company on the west coast in the last 5 years.
Just last DAY AT THE DOCKS the pro staff guys help sling fish tacos and raised over $3,900 bucks for the MONARCH SCHOOl which is a school for homeless kids.
Each year we do another event for CAPT RON at LAKE POWAY for 100s of kids.

We also do the young IGFA event at SHELTER ISLAND each year.

Also 100s of kids at CAPT RONS CRYSTAL PEIR event,

and we feed the WOUNDED WARRIORS event each year.

We do all this for free at no charge, and the pro staff do it with NO PAY, but only to help give back.

50% of ALL SALES of UNIBUTTER to go a young persons rehab center, to help those in need to fight addiction,

So to answer your question, THATS THE KIND OF COMPANY WE ARE.

To OEX and the members of this fourm, I,m sorry about this being my 1st post.

Iceman 04-28-2011 10:38 AM

Re: OEX Tournament mission bay

I will be outraged if any of the Organizers allow this man to fish in any tournaments given how far he went to cheat in his first kayak competition.

.......our call has already been made. We won't make you come to our tournaments any more :biggrinjester:

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