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Aaron&Julie 07-03-2006 07:14 PM

Back to the 'buts
Hit San Diego Bay this morning to try for the flat kind. Launched at 4:30AM picking up sardines at EBs.
Slow until about 8:30, when we finally seemed to be getting the rakes we were looking for. Soon after, Julie comes up with this 14 lber on a sardine:
Not too long afterward, Aaron manages this 9 lber on a mackeral:
Besides these two which were kept, Aaron C&Rd a 23 incher. Plus, we had a few short 'buts, and a few spotties and sandies, all released.
Landed the 'yaks about 12:30PM. Here's the beach shot with our double score:
Beautiful day, not much wind, and boat traffic was light considering the holiday tomorrow.

Beachem 07-04-2006 11:06 AM

Re: Back to the 'buts
Nice catch!!


PerryC 07-04-2006 11:34 AM

Re: Back to the 'buts
Congrats on the catch and Thanks for the fish report :thumbup I was wondering if you two were busy lately and not getting to fish much recently. We went to SD a few days ago up by Tidelands and caught a slew of bass, but nothing of any bragging size. We're planning a float to the point soon to drift the channel edges out then in after fishing outside for a few. I'll send you a PM when it gets planned and see if you can join us. Take Care and Happy Fishing,
Perry :coffee

Aaron&Julie 07-05-2006 09:41 PM

Re: Back to the 'buts
Thanks, Perry. Hope to have free time to make that trip.

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