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PerryC 03-10-2006 09:20 AM

Fishing Rod Leash
Alot have asked questions about the fishing rod leashes which are made by SAS and have clips on them. Here is a photo of my setup with a few rod leashes. Looking at the red leash, you can see the clip that detaches the entire leash from the "D" ring on the seat, and the squeeze-clip by the reel that detaches the velcro part that wraps around the rod from the coiled leash per sey.

Hope this helps clear things up a bit,

Swampchicken 03-16-2006 08:40 AM

I made mine out of some telephone cords and some caribeaners(sp?). I'll try to post a picture or two.

Doc J 05-12-2006 06:53 PM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash

Do you have a link or other means of futher investigating the SAS leashes? I have not seen them here on the other coast. Thanks.

Doc J

PerryC 05-13-2006 12:03 AM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash
I have a link to our store in which we sell a few accessories that has just a tad more info on them (Link Deleted, no longer valid) The actual coil is a heavy plastic, and stretches to about 5 feet. They're a nice commercially made rod leash, and I use them on my rods as well as carry them in our store. If you're thinking of making your own rod leashes, having one may be a good way to see a premade one and see what about the design you may want to change for your own tastes. Some anglers really like the coil cord, and others hate them. We have 1 left in stock and when it's gone, it be gone. If you want more, I suggest as they also carry them in quantity. Other places also carry them, but the guys at KFS have always supported our website, and been decent and professional whenever we have talked with eachother, so I recommend them as well. Hope this helps,

Stevek 12-09-2006 05:22 PM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash
1 Attachment(s)
Perry, here's another choice. Use a 6 ft nylon dog leash, The clasp is aready on it and the wrist ends can be mounted like this

They stay out of the way better than the coils and cost less.

Tightlines Steve
Bassyaks Tarpon 140
Bassyaks Pungo 120

PerryC 12-11-2006 04:32 PM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash
I have a couple of friends who use similar leashes for pets like you did, and they love them. That is another very good alternative for leashes. Thank You for sharing with us,

Perry :coffee

Piranha 12-12-2006 04:29 PM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash
I use the 6' dog leashes from the 99 cent store! I put a 99 cent store dog collar on the rod handle with cable ties! It can be clipped shut around the hand part of the leash. This makes it easy to remove the leash when you don't need it! On the hardware end of the leash I add on some brass spring clips that I bought from Perry. You clip them to the o-rings on your yak. I'm sure many people reading this board have either lost a rod overboard with no leash, or saved one because it was leashed when it deep sixed! The brass clips are a great investment because they don't rust and don't seize up from the salt! I just rinse them in fresh water, and grease the slide occasionally! Maybe Perry can post a link to these clips at his store. I'm having trouble finding it! Perry has the right ones and they're very reasonable! I can make a great leash for around $3! I don't like those "squiggly" leashes because in my experience, they tend to get tangled in everything! I had a rough time with them! I also put my vhs mradio in an Aquapac, which floats! Ditto my cell phone, in its own Aquapac! You can talk right thru the Aquapacs! Lotsa guys have lost radios and cellphones over the side. If mine fall in, I reach over and pick 'em up! I think Perry's store sells Aquapacs. If not, there's always ebay. Piranha:brews :rocker

BTW, Perry, I can't get to the store with the link in your post! Maybe it's my pc! Donno!

Stevek 12-13-2006 07:13 PM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash
I also use a dog leash around my waist and attach it to the kayak. If you fall off and the wind is blowing you'll never be able to swim to catch it. This summer I had to rescue 2 jetskiers who fell off the boat and couldn't swim fast enough with their Personal flotation on to catch their jetski, there was 5 to 7 foot swells and a strong wind. 30 minutes later the dumbies were back out there.

well gotta go

PerryC 12-14-2006 04:13 PM

Re: Fishing Rod Leash
Thanks for the heads up on the store link. I have either sold or used my stock of them so the link was no longer valid. In our area, I would try either Southwind Kayaks in Irvine or J&J at as they also stock rigging supplies. Have a Merry X-Mas,


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