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Iceman 11-22-2010 04:32 PM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
Steve and I discussed this a bit today and agreed that we do not want this extending into the new year.

Right now we are strongly considering the original date of Dec 11th.(sorry Mike) I really want all of the top contenders to partake, but this does not look like it will be attainable for any date.

chime in and help us make our decision!

fish4gold 11-22-2010 04:57 PM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
Andy... Dec. 11th works for me... rain or shine I am looking forward to fish shelter island !!! Last weekend really reminded me of fishing on the Columbia River in Washington for winter steelhead!!

Brian Crouse

IB Fish"N" 11-22-2010 06:11 PM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
Andy How about Dec 18th? Was that discussed only because there is the toys for tots tourny on Dec 4th. Don't know if people want to fish two weekends in a row. Lot of us are getting ready for the holidays which is just around the corner.

LEGEND KILLER 11-22-2010 06:42 PM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
I'll fish what ever date is decided upon............Sundays included if it helps Mike be able to fish this one.

Kailolo2 11-22-2010 08:08 PM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
Dec 11th or 12th. We have a weigh boat commitment! A major advantage for such a big area with moving tides and possible winds. ANd it's well before Xmas break or vacations that may be taking advantage of the extra days off. 18th a no go.

Will B. 11-23-2010 10:11 AM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
I hope a decision on a date can be made before Dec 1st

so people can make plans for the holidays

ortiznsd 11-23-2010 10:32 AM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
Since Andy suggested chiming in, the 11th and the 18th are not good dates for me. Dec. 12th is a good day, just to change it up and have the event on Sunday for once this year. If it lands on the 11th, then roll my entry to next years trail.

crippled anchovy 11-23-2010 10:48 AM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
11th or the 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th hell i'll piss on a spark plug if i thought that'd help....:iagree::willy_nilly::banghead::spam

al2fish 11-23-2010 10:54 AM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date

I am no longer in contention for AOY so it is not critical for me when its held but these things are so darn fun, dangit! I had planned to leave on the 11th to New Jersey for my company`s yearly sales meeting but I could reschedule and leave on Sunday the 12th. If the tournament is rescheduled for Sunday the 12th, I would have to miss it. Any other weekend would be ok. I think you may have opened the proverbial can of worms.

Lit-up1 11-23-2010 11:21 AM

Re: SD Bay Postponement date
If we are going to get it done on a Saturday this year it looks like the 11th and the 18th are the only options because of the prior 12-4 Mission bay tournament set already. So I am good for either of those two dates in case anyone cares.:biggrinjester:

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